Talk to a Strategist

Crafting a compelling narrative to sell Arine products

Arine Sales Deck

One of the challenges facing Arine was the ability to communicate its product stories in an engaging, storytelling manner. Arine’s sales team needed a presentation deck that was not only aesthetically interesting to look through but carried the audience down a path that felt compelling enough to want to take action.

DRA began by compiling a storyboard progression that consisted of setting a scene, visualizing the main characters (the audience) and their mortal struggle, presenting findings and solutions, and leveraging the entire narrative against real-life facts to show how others found solutions with Arine. The result was a new sales deck that flowed like the plot of a movie, keeping the audience engaged while adeptly incorporating emotion to connect on a human level. Finally, the new deck was skinned with a fresh design that elevated the brand to a more polished level.

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