An empowering customer experience increased qualified leads by 242%.
Our collab with the Intapp team allowed our experts to get in and rethink their sales funnel. As a Drift Proserve client, Intapp requested support for its Drift bot setup. Starting with an audit, DRA experts recommended incorporating a Fastlane playbook into Intapp’s ‘Schedule a Demo’ page by implementing chatbots, resulting in an increase of qualified leads booking by over 200%.
“We are thrilled with the support we've received from Digital Reach for our Drift program. The ongoing guidance and assistance provided by Kris and Caroline have been instrumental in the successful rollout of Drift across our websites and the continuous improvement of our site's chatbot service. Digital Reach's recommendation to incorporate a Fastlane playbook into our 'Schedule a Demo' page resulted in a remarkable 242% increase in meetings booked. The Fastlane playbook empowers site visitors to schedule a meeting at a date and time that suits them, without having to wait for a salesperson to reach out. This reduction in friction and scheduling time, from an average of 3-4 days to just 1 day, has made a significant impact for both our clients and our sales team.”
The results
The system that was already in place was working relatively well. However, by optimizing the Fastlane experience on Intapp’s conversion page, we accelerated project timelines and enhanced efficiency by authorizing site visitors to schedule a meeting with the sales team immediately. This approach moved prospects further down the funnel and offered a time-efficient customer experience. DRA’s partnership helped Intapp move from an initial state of adequate performance to reevaluating how it can make even bigger and broader moves, from good to great.
increase in meetings booked
reduction in scheduling time
The challenge
Intapp had integrated Drift bots with their systems before working with DRA and had set up systems that were performing relatively well, but didn’t have the experience to know which bots would produce the highest return on effort. After our initial audit of their system in place, we found that Intapp’s sales process was inefficiently long, and the team was not successfully booking site visitors for appointments after they inquired about services. Their previous workflow had prospects filling out an inquiry form and waiting for a member of the sales team to reach out and book an appointment, often missing the opportunity to book a sales call entirely.
The solution
To prevent leads from getting lost in the process, DRA implemented strategically placed bots via Drift on their demo page to filter qualified prospects by applying the “Fastlane playbook” which qualifies a user based on specific conditions as they complete a form. If the user meets the conditions, they are immediately prompted to either schedule a meeting with a member of the Intapp sales team or chat live. This approach led to a substantial increase in sales opportunities because it instantaneously rerouted qualified prospects further down the funnel and drastically reduced the time it was taking to wait for a member of the sales team to email them and set up a time.

The method
DRA began by auditing Intapp’s integrations, account, and the Playbooks (or bot in Drift parlance) that had been implemented on Intapp’s website. Having had some live bots on their site, our team could see how the bots could be operating more efficiently. Since our experts have successfully implemented bots for dozens of other clients, we’ve seen firsthand what product is superior and have a good understanding of what bots perform the highest revenue on effort.
The DRA team worked collaboratively with Intapp to streamline their sales funnel by integrating Drift’s Fastlane playbook, a bot that mimicked Intapp’s inquiry form of only a few questions to qualify users by gathering specific information from site visitors. Instead of being summoned to click on the bot in the bottom right-hand corner, the form was linked to an on-page call-to-action button.
By targeting visitors deemed as qualified, we increased bookings and reduced the number of spam submissions. We also added a brand new functionality to their forms allowing qualified leads to book immediately without filling out a form, decreasing the time it takes for the sales team to schedule sales calls with their prospects. Our solutions empower prospects to facilitate booking meetings that are convenient and timely, resulting in more conversions.
As a publicly traded company, Intapp generates a lot of its sales activity through its website. Our collaboration with Intapp on this project illustrated the value of chat and impacted the way they plan to use chatbots on their future website, viewing it as a centerpiece of their digital marketing strategy rather than an add-on.
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